Our Communities

Uniting the best of our brands.

Helping our audiences to make positive and sustainable choices, while ensuring we look after the communities we’re part of and rely on

Inspiring Positive Change

  • By 2025, we will train our people on sustainability at ÆÞÓÑÖ±²¥
  • Using our scale and reach to inspire positive choices and sustainable living by 2026

Responsible Marketing

  • Put in place consistent company-wide guidance to ensure all marketing activities are transparent and fair by 2025

Protecting Human & Labour Rights

  • Implement global human rights policies to protect and respect the communities we rely on by 2024

We’re already taking action for our communities:

Fundraising: In the UK, our radio brands come together to support the network of local charities. By harnessing their collective audio reach, our UK brands give disabled, disadvantaged and vulnerable children a brighter future.

Female empowerment: In Germany, our COSMOPOLITAN brand in Germany runs the – a long-running initiative led by our aimed at supporting women and females in their personal and professional lives. It uses content and activities to promote awareness and open conversation about social issues they face.

Health: In Poland, Twój Styl magazine supports the fight against cancer with their yearly Pink Ribbon campaign. The campaign offers readers discounts on preventive breast cancer examinations to encourage women to have regular check-ups for cancer prevention.

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